C__FCBase | Base class for the Finale Framework classes |
C__FCBaseData | Base class for all data-related classes (that handles Finale data) |
C__FCBaseStream | Abstract base class for streams |
C__FCBrowserBase | Base class for all browser classes. A browser is a bit like collection, but it doesn't store any data - it just browses throgh the database |
C__FCBrowserBaseData | Base class for all browser classes of data elements |
C__FCBrowserNoInciOther | A browser class for "other" elements with no incis |
C__FCBrowserRegionBase | Base class for data that's by nature accessed by music regions |
C__FCCellDetail | Base class for data that attach to cells. A call to the ConnectCell method is required prior to loading/saving data |
C__FCCollection | Base class for all collection classes. A collection is a storage that can store multiple objects of similar types |
C__FCCollectionCellDetail | Base class specially designed for collections of detail classes connected to cell data |
C__FCCollectionData | Base class for all collections based on decendants from __FCBaseData |
C__FCCollectionDetail | Base class specially designed for collections of detail classes |
C__FCCollectionEntryDetail | Base class specially designed for collections of entry detail classes |
C__FCCollectionGlobal | Base class for "Global" data |
C__FCCollectionInciOther | Base class for "other" data with incis of the __FCInciOther class (where it's common to collect all incis from the same CMPER.) |
C__FCCollectionNoInciCellDetail | Base class specially designed for collections of detail classes (where inci always is 0) connected to cell data |
C__FCCollectionNoInciDetail | Base class specially designed for collections of detail classes that doesn't use the inci |
C__FCCollectionNoInciOther | Base class for "other" data without incis (inci always 0.) |
C__FCCollectionPrefs | Base class specially designed for collections of prefs classes |
C__FCCollectionTinyXML | Base class for all collections that are streamable to XML |
C__FCCompositeTimeSigBottomElement | An internal inci holder for composite time signature bottom elements |
C__FCCompositeTimeSigTopElement | An internal inci holder for composite time signature top elements |
C__FCDetail | Base class for all classes that access Finale's detail records |
C__FCEntryDetail | Base class that provides the basic functionality for entry detail data (such as Special Tools modifications) |
C__FCEntryDetailNoteID | Base class that provide entry details that are based on noteIDs, such as notehead modifications, augmentation dot modifications etc |
C__FCFileDialogBase | Base class that contains the basic functionality for the operating system's modal dialog boxes for selecting files |
C__FCGlobals | Base class for all data that use the global part of the EDataID |
C__FCInci | An inci subrecord class for multi-inci data |
C__FCInciOther | Base class for "other" (ot_*) data with incis |
C__FCIteratorBase | The base class for both browser and collection classes |
C__FCLyricsBase | The base class for all lyrics text classes |
C__FCNoInciCellDetail | Base class for details data where inci always is 0 |
C__FCNoInciDetail | Abstract data class that contains a detail record without using the inci |
C__FCNoInciOther | Base class for the "Other" (ot_*) Enigma structures that don't use the inci parameter |
C__FCNoteEntryCollection | Abstract class that encapsulate collections of note entries (of the FCNoteEntry class). The note entries doesn't need to belong to the same TGF frame |
C__FCNumbersIteratorHandler | |
C__FCOther | Base class for all "Other" (ot_*) Enigma structures |
C__FCOtherText | The base class for text classes that loads from 'other' (not as regular raw text) |
C__FCPrefsBase | Base class for all preference data classes |
C__FCStaffBase | The base class for FCStaff (and its subclass FCCurrentStaffSpec), as well FCStaffStyleDef |
C__FCUndoBlockHandler | The base class for the block handler. Intented for inheritance for use with the FCUndoBlock utility class |
C__FCUserWindow | Base class for all other dialog/window classes |
CFCAccidentalMod | Class for acciental modifications (as in Finale's Special Tools) |
CFCAccidentalMods | Collection class for FCAccidentalMod class objects |
CFCAllotment | Class for allotment data (in the Document Options) |
CFCAllotments | Collection class for FCAllotment class objects |
CFCArticulation | Class for attaching an articulation definition to an entry |
CFCArticulationDef | The class for an articulation definition. On Finale 2012 and above, this class supports the Unicode character range |
CFCArticulationDefs | Collection class for FCArticulationDef class objects |
CFCArticulations | Collection class for FCArticulation class objects |
CFCBackwardRepeat | The class for a backward repeat definition |
CFCBaseline | Encapsulates baselines offset values for lyrics, expressions, fretboards and chords |
CFCBaselines | Collection class for FCBaseline class objects |
CFCBeamMod | Class for custom beam adjustments (in Finale's Special Tools) |
CFCBeatChartElement | The class for one single beat chart element |
CFCBeatChartElements | Collection class for FCBeatChartElement class objects (which is a beat chart for a measure) |
CFCBrokenBeamMod | Class for manually broken beam adjustments (in Finale's Special Tools) |
CFCBrokenBeamMods | Generic collection class for FCBrokenBeamMod class objects |
CFCBrowserArticulationDefs | Browser class for FCArticulationDef class objects |
CFCBrowserChords | Browser class for chords (of the FCChord class) |
CFCBrowserExpressions | Browser class for expressions (of the FCExpression class) |
CFCBrowserMeasures | Browser class for FCMeasure class objects |
CFCBrowserMidiExpressions | Browser class for continous MIDI data (of the FCMidiExpression class) |
CFCBrowserNoteEntries | Browser class for note entries |
CFCBrowserPages | Browser class for FCPage class objects |
CFCBrowserStaffSystems | Browser class for FCStaffSystem class objects |
CFCBrowserStaves | Browser class for FCStaff class objects |
CFCBrowserTuplets | Browser class for continous MIDI data (of the FCMidiExpression class) |
CFCCategoryDef | Class for a category definition |
CFCCategoryDefs | Collection class for FCCategoryDef class objects |
CFCCell | The class that reference a cell (one measure on one staff) in the musical "grid" |
CFCCellClefChange | Contains a clef change inside a cell. This is an item member in a FCCellClefChanges collection (created by the FCCellFrameHold::CreateCellClefChanges() method) |
CFCCellClefChanges | Collection class for FCCellClefChange class objects, containing all mid-clef changes in a cell |
CFCCellFrameHold | Class that holds the TGF frames and the clef changes of a TGF frame |
CFCCellFrameHolds | Collection class for FCCellFrameHold class objects |
CFCCellGraphic | Class for measure/cell-attached graphic objects |
CFCCellGraphics | Collection class for FCCellGraphic class objects |
CFCCellMetrics | Class that encapsulate the measure metrics info data |
CFCCellPos | This class is similar to FCCell, but also includes a position within the measure. It represents a "music position" |
CFCCells | A collection of FCCell members |
CFCCellText | Class for measure-attached (cell-attached) text blocks. The ConnectCell method must be called prior to load/save |
CFCCellTexts | Collection class for FCCellText class objects |
CFCCenterSmartShape | Class that contains data that appears in the middle of a long smart shape. This class is normally linked through the FCSmartShape class |
CFCChord | Class for chord assignments to a measure/staff |
CFCChordPrefs | Class for document-specific chord settings. Some additional chord-related settings are available in FCMiscDocPrefs |
CFCChords | Collection class for FCChord class objects |
CFCChordSuffixElement | Class that stores one record of a chord suffix definition |
CFCChordSuffixElements | Collection class for FCChordSuffixElement class objects, usually created with FCChord:CreateChordSuffixElements() |
CFCChorusLyricsText | The class for chorus lyrics texts |
CFCChorusSyllable | The class for a chorus syllable |
CFCChorusSyllables | Collection class for FCChorusSyllable class objects |
CFCClefDef | Data class for the global clef definitions |
CFCClefDefs | Collection class for FCClefDef class objects |
CFCCompositeTimeSigBottom | A collection of __FCCompositeTimeSigBottomElement records |
CFCCompositeTimeSigTop | A collection of __FCCompositeTimeSigTopElement records |
CFCControl | |
CFCCrossStaffMod | Class that specifies the cross-staff connection for a note |
CFCCrossStaffMods | Collection class for FCCrossStaffMod class objects |
CFCCtrlButton | Control class for push buttons. It inherits the FCCtrlCheckbox class, so the checked state can be set even for push buttons (if the push button style supports it) |
CFCCtrlCheckbox | Control class for a checkbox control |
CFCCtrlComboBox | UI class that handles a combo box, which is a combination of a edit field and a popup list |
CFCCtrlDataList | Class that handles a contol with multiple lines of data, arranged in columns |
CFCCtrlEdit | Class that handles edit controls |
CFCCtrlLine | UI class representing a graphical line |
CFCCtrlListBox | A list box control |
CFCCtrlPopup | UI class that handles a popup (on the Mac) and a combo list (on Windows) |
CFCCtrlRadioButton | A UI class that handles one single radio button |
CFCCtrlRadioButtonGroup | Class for radio button groups |
CFCCtrlSlider | Control class for sliders |
CFCCtrlStatic | UI class that handles a control with static text |
CFCCtrlSwitcher | A control to switch between multiple pages |
CFCCtrlTree | A tree UI control |
CFCCtrlUpDown | A UI class that handles an Up/Down control. The control has 2 arrows, one pointing up and one down |
CFCCurrentStaffSpec | The class for a "current staff state" (the sum of staff changes and staff style changes) at a specific position in the score, for diagnostic purposes. The class cannot save data |
CFCCustomLuaWindow | Special FCCustomWindow child class, that provides the additional functionality to hook up JW Lua callback functions as dialog handlers (that can be called during the run of the dialog) |
CFCCustomSmartLineDef | The class for a custom smart shape lines |
CFCCustomSmartLineDefs | Collection class for FCCustomSmartLineDef class objects |
CFCCustomStemMod | Class for custom stem shapes (in Finale's Special Tools). The data is connected to either an upstem or downstem note |
CFCCustomStemMods | Generic collection class for FCCustomStemMods class objects |
CFCCustomWindow | A class that supports programmatically created controls (that are not defined in resource files) |
CFCDataListRow | A class that represents one row of data in a FCCtrlDataList UI control |
CFCDistancePrefs | Class for preferences values that controls distances (between objects, etc) |
CFCDocument | Class for an opened Finale document. An opened Finale document has a 1-based ID and can be displayed in multiple document windows |
CFCDocuments | Class for a collection of documents. Usually used to get all the currently loaded documents in Finale |
CFCDotMod | Class with adjustments to the augmentation dots (in Finale's Special Tools) |
CFCDotMods | Collection class for FCDotMod class objects |
CFCEnclosure | Class to encapsulate enclosures (available for example in expressions and measure numbers.) |
CFCEndingRepeat | The class for a start of repeat bracket in the document. There can only be one ending repeat in each measure |
CFCEndingRepeatText | Text in repeat endings |
CFCEndTieMods | Collection class for FCTieMod class objects for end tie alterations |
CFCEntryAlterMod | Class for (what it seems) the sole purpose of note entry resize |
CFCEntryMetrics | Class that encapsulate the entry metrics data |
CFCExecutableShapeDef | The class for an executable shape definition |
CFCExecutableShapeDefs | Collection class for FCExecutableShapeDef class objects |
CFCExpression | Class for expression assignments to a measure/staff |
CFCExpressions | Collection class for FCExpression class objects |
CFCFileInfoText | The class for file information text fields |
CFCFileOpenDialog | Class to display the operating system's "Open File" modal dialog box |
CFCFileSaveAsDialog | Class to display the operating system's "Save File As" modal dialog box |
CFCFileStream | Generic file stream class |
CFCFolderBrowseDialog | Class to display the operating system's modal folder browser dialog box |
CFCFontDialog | Class to display the font selection dialog box to the user |
CFCFontInfo | Class for document-independent font information |
CFCFontPrefs | Font preferences data in the Document Options |
CFCFreezeSystem | Class for freezing a system at a specific measure |
CFCFreezeSystems | Collection class for FCFreezeSystem class objects. LoadAll doesn't work for this class |
CFCFretboardGroupDef | Class that stores one record of a fretboard chord definition |
CFCFretboardGroupDefs | Collection class for FCFretboardGroupDef class objects |
CFCFretboardStyleDef | The class for a fretboard style definition, which reflects the content the "Fretboard Style" dialog box in Finale |
CFCFretboardStyleDefs | Collection class for FCFretboardStyleDef class objects |
CFCFretInstrumentDef | Class for tablature instruments definitions |
CFCFretInstrumentDefs | Collection class for FCFretInstrumentDef class objects |
CFCGeneralPrefs | The "Program Options" (program-wide options that is not stored in the document) |
CFCGridsGuidesPrefs | Class for document preferences related to guides and grids |
CFCGroup | Encapsulates a staff group |
CFCGroupNamePositionPrefs | Default positioning for full and abbreviated group names |
CFCGroups | Collection class for FCGroup class objects |
CFCGuide | The class for a guide in the document |
CFCGuides | Class that contains the guides for a document. This class is handled through the FCGridsGuidesPrefs class |
CFCHumanPlaybackPrefs | Class for Human Playback preferences |
CFCIndependentCellDetail | Class that contains independent key/time signatures for a cell |
CFCInstrumentDef | The class for an instrument definition item (in the instrument list/Score Manager) |
CFCInstrumentDefs | Collection class for FCInstrumentDef class objects |
CFCInstrumentDefText | Text used for an instrument definition. Please refer to the FCInstrumentDef class |
CFCInstrumentPlaybackData | The class for instrument playback data. This is also the link between staves/staff styles and the FCInstrumentDef definition |
CFCIteratorHandler | Class for iterator handlers |
CFCKeySignature | Class for key signatures. Instances of this class is auto-created by FCMeasure:GetKeySignature and FCCell:GetKeySignature when needed |
CFCLayerPlaybackData | Helper class for FCInstrumentPlaybackData, providing the playback data for the Chord Layer, the MIDI Expression Layer, and the note layers |
CFCLayerPrefs | Layer preferences for one specific layer |
CFCLuaIterator | Class for Lua callback iterators. This class is not part of the C++ PDK Framework |
CFCLyricsPrefs | Contains the lyrics preferences data |
CFCMeasure | The class for a measure (the full vertical measure stack) in the document. It maps the Measure Attributes dialog settings, the internal measure optimization flag settings and more |
CFCMeasureNumberRegion | The class for a measure number region |
CFCMeasureNumberRegions | Collection class for FCMeasureNumberRegion class objects |
CFCMeasures | Collection class for FCMeasure class objects |
CFCMetatoolAssignment | Class for a metatool key assignment |
CFCMetatoolAssignments | Collection class for FCMetatoolAssignment class objects |
CFCMidiExpression | Encapsulates the continous MIDI data in a cell |
CFCMidiExpressions | Collection class for FCMidiExpression class objects |
CFCMiscDocPrefs | Class that contains document preferences that doesn't fit in any other class |
CFCMultiMeasureRest | Class for a multi-measure rest instance |
CFCMultiMeasureRestPrefs | Class for Multimeasure rests document preferences (in the Document Options dialog box) |
CFCMultiMeasureRests | Collection class for FCMultiMeasureRest class objects |
CFCMultiStaffInstrument | Class for a multi-staff instrument defined in the Score Manager |
CFCMultiStaffInstruments | Collection class for FCMultiStaffInstrument class objects |
CFCMusicCharacterPrefs | Contains the document options for music character preferences |
CFCMusicRegion | Class that encapsulates EREGION and provides additional functionality to region handling |
CFCMusicSpacingPrefs | Options that affects Music (Note) Spacing in the document |
CFCNote | Encapsulates one note in a note entry (from the FCNoteEntry class) |
CFCNoteEntries | Collection class for FCNoteEntry class objects. This class is intended for the collection of random entries |
CFCNoteEntry | Encapsulates a note entry from an owner class (for example FCNoteEntryCell, FCNoteEntryLayer) class |
CFCNoteEntryCell | Class that encapsulate a cell of note entries |
CFCNoteEntryLayer | Class to load a layer on the same staff. This class is for example suitable when working with music lines that moves over barlines. Please note that this class uses 0-based layer numbers |
CFCNoteEntryLayers | Collection class to load all layers for a staff, to be used when the entries in the layers need to interact |
CFCNoteheadMod | Class for notehead modifications (as in Finale's Special Tools) |
CFCNoteheadMods | Collection class for FCNoteheadMod class objects. The collection would typically collect all notehead modification records for a single note entry |
CFCNotePitch | Encapsulates a note as a locally stored data, instead of a reference in a TGF |
CFCNotePitches | Class that contains information about the note, without being dependent on a note entry frame |
CFCNumber | Simple class to put numbers into collections |
CFCNumberCollection | Collection class for FCNumber instances |
CFCNumbers | Simple collection class for FCNumber class objects |
CFCOtherInci | Utility class to provide a mechanism for loading blob data blocks consisting of more than 1 inci. This is used in combination with the FCOtherIncis collection class. This class should normally not be inherited. Set the custom tag in FCOtherIncis |
CFCOtherIncis | Collection specialized on handling all incis (the traditional 12-byte type) from a cmper. Useful internally, if the storage is a memory block rather than data records |
CFCPage | The class representing a physical page in Finale |
CFCPageFormatPrefs | Class for the "Page Format for Score/Parts" preference data |
CFCPageGraphic | Class for page-assigned graphics. Currently, this class can only be used to edit existing page graphics objects |
CFCPageGraphics | Collection class for FCPageGraphic class objects |
CFCPages | Collection class for FCPage class objects |
CFCPageText | Class for a page-connected text block |
CFCPageTexts | Collection class for FCPageText class objects |
CFCPart | Class that represent one part in a document. The class also provides methods to switch between parts |
CFCPartExtractPrefs | Preferences that controls the part extraction options in the document |
CFCParts | Collection class for FCPart objects |
CFCPartScopePrefs | Contains data that are specific to one part scope. Each part have their own records, and the part scope needs to be switched prior to a load/save |
CFCPDFPage | A representation of a page in a created PDF file |
CFCPDFWriter | Class to create a PDF and write it to disk. This is also a collection of FCPDFPage objects |
CFCPercussionLayoutNote | The class for a note definition in a percussion layout |
CFCPercussionLayoutNotes | Collection class for FCPercussionLayoutNote class objects (=a percussion layout) |
CFCPercussionLayoutNotesLookup | A lookup table for FCPercussionLayoutNotes collections |
CFCPercussionLayoutNotesText | Text used for the name of a percussion layout. Please refer to the FCPercussionLayoutNotes class |
CFCPercussionMapNote | Class for an individual note in a percussion map, read from Finale's XML file |
CFCPercussionMapNotes | Collection class for FCPercussionMapNote class objects, used by the FCInstrumentDef class |
CFCPercussionMapNotesLookup | A lookup table for FCPercussionMapNotes notes |
CFCPercussionNoteMod | Class for percussion note modification |
CFCPercussionNoteMods | Collection class for FCPercussionNoteMod class objects |
CFCPercussionNoteType | Class that contains one of Finale's global percussion note type definition |
CFCPercussionNoteTypes | A collection of FCPercussionNoteType objects, created by loading and parsing Finale's PercNoteTypes.txt file. The collection is loaded by the LoadAll() method |
CFCPercussionStaff | Class that stores the information for drum mapping, either for a staff or staff style |
CFCPerformanceMod | Class for performance/playback modifications attached to note entires (as in Finale's MIDI Tool). If Human Playback is enabled, this data record is ignored |
CFCPerformanceMods | Collection class for FCPerformanceMod class objects (which contains the playback modification data for a single note). The collection would contain all performance modification records for a single note entry |
CFCPianoBracePrefs | Preferences that controls the visual appearance of the piano braces in the document |
CFCPlaybackPrefs | Class for the document's playback preferences values |
CFCPoint | Simple class for the representation of x, y coordinates |
CFCPrimaryBeamMods | Collection class for FCBeamMod class objects that belong specifically to primary beams. (There can only be one primary beam per entry.) |
CFCPrintSettings | Class containing printing settings (and the ability to print documents) |
CFCRawText | The class for raw text objects. All other text classes are based on this class, but it can also be used by its own for tx_TextBlock text |
CFCRepeatPrefs | Class for repeat-related document preferences |
CFCResourceWindow | Class for modeless and modal dialogs that are visually designed as a resource. This class is also a parent class to FCCustomWindow |
CFCSecondaryBeamBreakMod | Class for secondary beam breaks (in Finale's Special Tools) |
CFCSecondaryBeamBreakMods | Generic collection class for FCSecondaryBeamBreakMod class objects |
CFCSecondaryBeamMods | Collection class for FCBeamMod class objects that belong specifically to secondary beams. (There can only be one primary beam, and that is not part of this collection.) |
CFCSectionLyricsText | The class for section lyrics texts |
CFCSectionSyllable | The class for a section syllable |
CFCSectionSyllables | Collection class for FCSectionSyllable class objects |
CFCSeparateMeasureNumber | Class for a manually added or edited measure number in a cell |
CFCSeparateMeasureNumbers | Collection class for FCSeparateMeasureNumber class objects, that contains the separate added or adjusted measure numbers |
CFCSeparatePlacement | Class that handles separate placement for repeats |
CFCSeparatePlacements | Collection class for FCSeparatePlacement records, that handles separate placements in repeats |
CFCSettingsPair | Class for storing a "key"+"value" pair of values |
CFCSettingsPairs | Collection class for FCSettingsPair objects |
CFCShapeDef | Class for a shape definition (as in Finale's Shape selection dialog) |
CFCShapeDefInstruction | Helper class for FCShapeDef |
CFCShapeDefInstructions | Helper class for FCShapeDef |
CFCShapeDefs | Collection class for FCShapeDef class objects, which defines the shape definitions in the document |
CFCShapeExpressionDef | Class for a shape expression definition |
CFCShapeExpressionDefs | Collection class for FCShapeExpressionDef class objects |
CFCSizePrefs | Contains the document options for size and widths |
CFCSlurContourPrefs | Class for the Slur Contour preferences |
CFCSmartShape | A record that represents a smart shape in the score. It's connected to a score through FCSmartShapeMeasureMark objects in each measure where the smart shape occurs |
CFCSmartShapeCtrlPointAdjust | Helper class for FCSmartShape. This class is only constructed indirectly by the FCSmartShape.GetCtrlPointAdjust method |
CFCSmartShapeEntryMark | Class for smartshape assignments/connections to an entry |
CFCSmartShapeEntryMarks | Collection class for FCSmartShapeEntryMark class objects |
CFCSmartShapeMeasureMark | Class for smartshape assignments to a measure |
CFCSmartShapeMeasureMarks | Collection class for FCSmartShapeMeasureMark class objects |
CFCSmartShapePrefs | Class for the Smart Shape preferences |
CFCSmartShapes | Collection class for FCSmartShape class objects |
CFCSmartShapeSegment | Helper class for FCSmartShape, controlling the end points of a smart shape. This class is only constructed indirectly by the FCSmartShape.GetTerminateSegmentLeft and FCSmartShape.GetTerminateSegmentRight() methods |
CFCStaff | The class for a staff in the score. It is also a base class for staff styles |
CFCStaffList | An object that contains one staff list section (out of 4). Before data is loaded/saved, the SetMode() method must be called |
CFCStaffListCategoryText | Staff list titles for staff lists in categories |
CFCStaffListLookup | A specialized collection class that has the purpose to handle the different score lists that a document contains in an automatic way |
CFCStaffLists | Collection class for FCStaffList class objects. The SetMode() method should be used before any loading to the collection |
CFCStaffListStaffAssignText | Staff list titles for staff-assigned staff lists |
CFCStaffListText | Staff list titles for staff lists in repeats |
CFCStaffNamePosition | Class for staff (or staff style) name positioning data |
CFCStaffNamePositionPrefs | Default positioning for full and abbreviated staff names |
CFCStaffStyleAssign | Class for staff style assignments to a staff |
CFCStaffStyleAssigns | Collection class for FCStaffStyleAssign class objects |
CFCStaffStyleDef | Class for a staff style definition |
CFCStaffStyleDefs | Collection class for FCStaffStyleDef class objects |
CFCStaffSystem | The class for a staff system on a page |
CFCStaffSystems | Collection class for FCStaffSystem class objects. A collection typically contains all staff systems for the score or a part |
CFCStaffSystemsLookup | A lookup class designed for collecting full staff layouts for different parts in the same document in a resource-friendly way. It makes sure that each layout is only loaded once for a score/part |
CFCStartTieMods | Collection class for FCTieMod class objects for start tie alterations |
CFCStaves | Collection class for FCStaff class objects |
CFCStemConnectionTable | A very special-purpose preferences class that contains the full stem connection table from Finale's document options |
CFCStemMod | Class for manual stem adjustments (in Finale's Special Tools) |
CFCStemMods | Generic collection class for FCStemMod class objects |
CFCString | Class that provides storage for text. This is to achieve platform-transparent text handling, that can handle text storage regardless of how it's done on the platform (Mac/Window/C-style/Unicode/etc) |
CFCStrings | Collection class for FCString class objects |
CFCSyllableBase | Base class for attaching an syllable to an entry |
CFCSyllableEntryMod | Class for controlling justification/alignment for all syllables that are connected to an entry |
CFCSystemGlyphInfo | An object to handle glyph information returned by the system |
CFCSystemStaff | Class that stores one "inci" of a staff list (for a system or for the global list of staves) |
CFCSystemStaves | Collection class for FCSystemStaff class objects, which contains the list of staves available within a system |
CFCTablatureNoteMod | Class with info about one tablature note |
CFCTablatureNoteMods | Collection class for FCPercussionNoteMod class objects |
CFCTempoElement | The class for a single tempo change in the Tempo Tool. The tempo elements should be stored in measure position order for each measure |
CFCTempoElements | Collection class for FCTempoElements class objects for one measure. The tempo elements should be stored in measure position order for each measure |
CFCTextBlock | Class for a text block |
CFCTextBlocks | Collection class for FCTextBlock class objects |
CFCTextExpressionDef | Class for a text expression definition |
CFCTextExpressionDefs | Collection class for FCTextExpressionDef class objects |
CFCTextFileStream | Class for text (byte) streams |
CFCTextFileUTF8Stream | Class for UTF-8text streams |
CFCTextMetrics | A class that fetches the metrics for text (for how Finale will render it), such as the boundary boxes and the advance width |
CFCTextRepeat | Class for text repeat assignments to a measure. The assignment is connected with a FCTextRepeatDef definition |
CFCTextRepeatDef | The class for a text repeat definition |
CFCTextRepeatDefs | Collection class for FCTextRepeatDef class objects |
CFCTextRepeats | Collection class for FCTextRepeat class objects |
CFCTextRepeatText | Text used for text repeats |
CFCThread | Class for multithreading |
CFCTieContourPrefs | The 4 (short, medium, long, tie ends) tie contour definitions |
CFCTieMod | Class with adjustments to the ties (in Finale's Special Tools) |
CFCTiePlacementPrefs | Class for the 6 document sets of options that control default tie placement |
CFCTiePrefs | The preferences for ties (includes options both from tie options and tie contour options) |
CFCTimeSignature | Class for time signatures |
CFCTreeNode | Class representing a single node item in a FCCtrlTree control |
CFCTuplet | Class for attaching an tuplet to an entry |
CFCTupletPrefs | The preferences for the default tuplet definition |
CFCTuplets | Collection class for FCTuplet class objects |
CFCUI | Standard class for basic user interface functionality |
CFCUndoBlock | Class that handles Undo records for modeless plug-in interfaces |
CFCVerseLyricsText | The class for verse lyrics texts |
CFCVerseSyllable | The class for a verse syllable |
CFCVerseSyllables | Collection class for FCVerseSyllable class objects |