
Plug-ins for Mac (Finale 2010-2014.5)

Mac plug-ins for versions up to Finale 2014.5.


To install a plug-in on the Mac:

  1. Find out where your plug-ins folder is located in Finale, by looking in the Preferences dialog (Program Options in earlier Finale versions) at the Folders page in Finale.
  2. Put the plug-in bundle in that folder (or in a subfolder if you want it in a submenu to the Plug-ins menu). Please note that on recent OS X versions, the plug-ins folder is hidden by default, so you need to reveal it in the OS first.
  3. Restart Finale


Use these links for further resources related to the JW Freeware plug-ins for Finale:
Mailing List
e-mail group
PayPal Donate
Sign-up page for the e-mail list with announcements, discussions, bug reports, etc Sign-up page to get announcements on Facebook. Wiki documentation about the JW Freeware plug-ins, where everyone can contribute. The page to visit if you want to make a donation to the JW Freeware plug-in development.
JW Split Groups, v1.01

For Finale 2012 and later. This plug-in splits a group into adjacent subgroups. The group that will be split must match the top and bottom staves of the selection. The subgroup will be of the length of the selection.

Groups will not be split if region spans exactly the same staves as a Finale 2012 multi-staff instrument (use the Change Instrument utility in Finale for that).

The created subgroups will get a hidden "(Split Group)" text at the end.

JW Plug-in Tool, v1.01

JW Plug-in Tool keeps track of the installed/uninstalled JW freeware plug-ins (including versions), and can be used as a tool to set "hidden" options in JW freeware plug-ins. It can also be set to alert (when Finale starts up) that there are updates available. For Finale 2010 and later.

IMPORTANT! This plug-in requires an internet connection for its functionality. The plug-in does not send any files to another destination, but it downloads up to 3 small text files for analyzing available plug-ins, available options and latest plug-in revisions. The text files are downloaded to the temp folder and are removed after processing.

JW Rhythm Copy v1.04

Copies a rhythm pattern from one source region (layer 1) to a destination region (any layers and any number of staves). The pitches are kept in the destination. Only destination staves that match with the same number of notes will change. The plug-in is quite flexible and can work with ties and over barlines. Articulations from the source are copied to the destination.

For Finale 2010 and later.

JW Indent System, v 1.02

A plug-in for documents with multiple movements. Finale Finale 2009a and above.

It has 2 different modes of indenting the systems (within the region):

  • Appearing after a final barline on the previous system.
  • Using the measures attribute Force Full Staff & Group Names set for the system's start measures. (This plug-in mode is only displayed on Finale 2011 and later.)

It uses the first system's left margin from the page format settings for score or parts as the indent value.

The plug-in also unindents all other systems in the selected region.

JW New Piece, v1.02

A plug-in for Finale 2011 and later. It will create a new piece automatically at beginning of the selection. Try JW Indent System if you need an indentation plug-in for Finale versions ealier than 2011.

The indentation is based on the FIRST system of each part or score, rather than using the Page Format for Score/Parts "First Staff System margins" settings. (The reason for this is to keep a better layout flexibility between different parts.)

TIP: If you need to change the indent for a document with multiple pieces, make the indent adjustments to the first system in each part. Then mark the whole document and run Fix Indent (JW Start New Piece) once, which will correct all indents in all parts/score.

The plug-in will do the following when starting a new piece:

  • Adjust the system/measure layout both for the score and all parts
  • Indent system at the new piece start (based on the FIRST staff system in each part or score) 
  • Break a new system (in the measure attributes)
  • Split measure number regions at the start of the new piece (and start at 1 again)
  • Break multi-measure rests
  • Break word extensions at new piece
  • Hide cautionary clef/key/time sig changes
  • Show full names at the start of new piece
  • Set final barline style for the previous piece
  • Push system layouts downwards at system splits
  • Show time and key sigs at the start of the new piece
  • Break multimeasure rests, if necessary

If the system/measure layout changes later on (which would destroy the system indentation of the new piece), select the affected region (or the whole document) and chose Fix Indent (JW Start New Piece).

A plug-in for Finale 2011 and later. It will create a new piece
 * at beginning of the selection. The indentation is based on the
 * FIRST system of each part or score, rather than using the Page Format
 * for Score/Parts "First Staff System margins" settings. The reason for
 * this is to keep a better layout flexibility between different parts.
 * TIP: If you need to change the indent for a document with multiple
 * pieces, make the indent adjustments to the first system in each part. Then
 * mark the whole document and run "Fix Indent (JW Start New Piece)" once,
 * which will correct all indents in all parts/score.
 * The plug-in will do the following when starting a new piece:
 * * Adjust the system layout both for the score and all parts
 * * Indent system at the new piece start (based on the FIRST staff system in each part or score)
 * * Break a new system (in the measure attributes)
 * * Split measure number regions at the start of the new piece (and start at 1 again)
 * * Break multi-measure rests
 * * Break word extensions at new piece
 * * Hide cautionary clef/key/time sig changes
 * * Show full names at the start of new piece
 * * Set final barline style for the previous piece
 * * Push system layouts downwards at system splits
 * If the system/measure layout changes later on (which would destroy the
 * system indentation of the new piece), select the affected
 * region (or the whole document) and chose
 * "Fix Indent (JW Start New Piece)".
JW Default Tuplets, v1.01

This plug-in has 2 functionalities:

  1. Resets the tuplets in the selected region to use the Default Tuplet Definition (in the Document Options)
  2. Give statistics about how many tuplets in the selected region that differ compared to the Default Tuplet Definition
JW Note Ends, v1.01

This plug-in aligns the ends of notes to a specific "duration boundary", if there are rests after the note. Useful to improve readability for music with lots of short notes and rests. The plug-in has 2 alignment modes: 8th notes and Quarter notes.


JW Conceal Rests, v1.02

Removes rests from the selected region without hiding them. This is particulary useful if you want to omit the rests but don't affect the beaming. Also include a reveal rests feature to bring back the rests.

There's also a YouTube tutorial/demo movie for this plugin at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbShT2MWQtg

A plug-in with 2 different modes:

  • Creates ties for all repeated notes in the region
  • Removes all ties in the region

A YouTube clip with a demo of what it can achieve together with the JW Rhythm Copy plug-in is available here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JKMl3CRBxY

JW Conceal Barlines v1.01

Hides the barlines in the selected region, to give the impression that the barlines never existed. Useful for measure-less music (such as cadenzas), for example. The plug-in does the following:

  • Hides the barline
  • Hides the time signature (since version 1.01)
  • Removes the default spacing gap before the barline
  • Removes the default spacing gap after the barline
  • Omits the measure from inclusion in measure numbering

Also includes a Reveal Barlines function as well, to restore any barlines that has been hidden in this way.

JW Staff Pitches, v1.01

This plug-in provides different methods to combine the pitches found in the source layer with the pitches in the destination layers. This is useful for various form of chordal processing, for example filtering out the accompaniment from the melody. It has the following modes:

  • Differences - The difference between the source and the destination becomes the result.
  • Merge - The pitches in the source and destination are merged
  • Unisons - Only the pitches that appears both in the source and destination is kept.

It works on all visible layers and supports partial measure selections. Source must be one staff, destination can be multiple staves. The plug-in will only process the layer if the source and destination are rhythmically identical. Any note-attached objects are kept.

This YouTube movie demonstrates one use of JW Staff Pitches:


JW Hide Articulations, v1.00

Hides the articulations in the selected region. Useful for example to get the articulation to playback, but not print.

The hidden articulations will have the hidden text style, so they will look greyed out on screen. (The "Display on screen only" setting is not used.)

Also includes a function to "unhide" the articulations again.

JW Pattern Copy, v1.04

Merges a source pattern with a destination pattern that contains the note structure. Very powerful to quickly produce complicated, repeated rhythms. Merges articulations from both source and destination.

A YouTube quickstart demo is available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zg3GRCnQcQo

JW Measure Spacing, v1.00
Applies note spacing to a region without affecting the barline placements. For Finale 2009 and later.
JW Category Sorter, v1.00
Sorts the custom categories alphabetically for the document. (Current limitation is that it can't sort Score Lists - these need to be reattached after the sort.) For Finale 2010 and later.
JW Rhythm Copy - Manual
A PDF manual with some examples on how to use JW Rhythm Copy.
PDK Framework Sample plug-ins

Three very small, but functional plug-ins that demonstrate some aspects of the Finale PDK Framework. The source code for these plug-ins is discussed in the PDK Framework Wiki. This ZIP file contains these 3 plug-ins:

  • Lock Pages - Locks or unlocks the page layout
  • Double barlines - Adds double barlines at key signature changes
  • Mute/unmute notes - Mutes or unmutes the note entries in the selected region.
JW Fermata Checker, v1.01
A diagnostic tool to verify that all parts have fermatas in the fermata measures. Checks for articulation and expression fermatas in the following fonts: Maestro, Maestro Wide, EngraverFontSet, Jazz, Broadway Copyist, Articulations (by Bill Duncan). For Finale 2009 and later versions.
JW Merge Articulations - manual
Manual for the JW Merge Articulations plug-in. Contains a table with all supported articulation/font combinations, now with the additions in v1.01.
JW Merge Articulations, v1.01
Joins known 2 articulations (attached to the same note entry) into 1 known “composite” version. For example: staccato dots+accents  - or accidentals within parenthesis. This can be useful when articulations are batch-created (by plug-ins or by other methods). It can also save some metatool keys, since metatool keys wouldn't be needed for the composite articulation version. Please note that the composite version of the articulation must be present in the document for a merge to take place.
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